Group Dog Training Classes
Puppy Classes – Group
Bring out the best in your puppy
Scentwork For Companion Dogs
Scent Work Classes and Sniff-Away Days
Amanda Rigby, an experienced dog behaviour & training specialist, has helped hundreds of dog owners and breeds with her kind, professional and ethical approach. So whatever behaviour challenge you’re facing with your dog or if you want to make sure your new puppy has the best possible start, then Mandy will be able to help.
. . incredibly impressed with Mandy’s services and expertise when it comes to dog training and methods in changing dogs behaviours.
Mandy is incredibly knowledgeable with a focused and sensitive approach, she made my extremely anxious rescue dog relax
Can’t recommend highly enough . . . Bear is now like a different dog . . . calmer, friendlier and more trusting. Mandy was brilliant with him and us. 10/10