
Canine Scent Work Training Hero

Mandy is a certified Scentwork Uk Trainer, Trial Manager and Judge whose passion for promoting this activity to as many owners of companion dogs has led to her local Solihull business to grow from strength to strength over the past few years.

Mandy offers Sniff It Out! Beginner Workshops to give a taster experience to people wanting to know more about the activity and have a fun few hours with their dog. She also runs classes for all levels of nose work progression, Sniff–Away events and Trials for those wishing to compete. Dogs just love to utilize their natural superpower to search and locate.

For more information how you and your dog can get involved contact our scent work training hero Mandy.

Dog Separation Anxiety

Get in touch with Mandy

Our heroes have been selected for their ethical practices and expertise. On contacting your chosen Hero any services provided thereafter are no longer the responsibility of Yes! Good Dog Community Hub

We’ve just started scent work classes with Mandy and she made both my reactive rescue dog and me feel very welcome and safe in class. My little chap is not naughty he’s just frightened and taking him to new places where there are other dogs is a big deal. Mandy recognised this from the start and gave us solutions to build our confidence together. We both love scent work and look forward to every session. I would highly recommend Mandy’s classes especially if you have a tricky dog, no judgement, just lots of positive feedback.
Thanks Mandy

Claire and Max (Jack Russell)

Boo Boo and I started our scent work journey with Mandy few months ago. We love the classes she runs – they are fun and practical. We also had a 1-2-1 session with her prior to our Level 1 trial. Up until the day of our trial Mandy has been very supportive and reassuring, always responds to messages with lots of useful and practical tips. We are glad to have Mandy to guide us in this fun sport. Would highly recommend both Mandy and anyone considering doing scent work.

Ruby and Boo Boo (Bichon Frise)