Your Remote Dog Behaviour Coach

Mandy Rigby BCCSDipAdvCanBhv has assisted many clients nationwide in successfully resolving behaviour issues with their dogs by utilizing modern day technology and speaking remotely rather than a home visit. New puppy parents, owners of newly acquired rescue dogs, separation anxiety issues, fearfulness, phobia’s, attention seeking and barking issues to name a few have benefited from this service.

Is this you?

These days the first place a dog owner turns to when they are having problems with their dog’s behaviour is the internet. It can take hours of your time researching, reading forums, paying for online courses and watching You Tube video’s and dog behaviour television programmes . The advice can be endless but conflicting and confusing.

Who is right? What is best for your individual dog? Do you try one method then another to no avail? Are you worried you are trying the wrong approaches and making matters worse? Now is the time to arrange to speak with Mandy Rigby, your personal Dog Behaviour Coach & Puppy Trainer


  • You are speaking to a qualified and experienced canine behaviour specialist and experienced dog and puppy trainer who handles real-life situations on a day to day basis covering a variety of dog behaviour issues and concerns
  • You can discuss your own worries and your dog’s issues fully with a REAL person as if sitting right next to you
  • You are in the comfort of your own home
  • Offers a more affordable alternative than a home visit
  • Calls can be fitted into your daily schedule
  • Assistance is available to anyone in the UK
  • You will receive sound modern day ‘no force no fear’ advisement of what steps to take next with your dog
  • You will receive help sheets after your session to support your remote call
  • You will receive a recording of your session to keep and review

What do I have to do?

Step 1 – Email or use the contact page giving a rough outline of the behaviour issue, stating you are interested in booking an Online 1-2-1 Coaching Meet Up

Step 2 – If your issue can be handled remotely you will receive an email and a dog behaviour consultation form or training issue form to complete. Mandy will call or email you to discuss the next steps in organising our online session(S)

Step 3 – Complete and return the form and send any video footage via Wats App displaying the behaviour(s) listed

Step 4 – You will be advised if the call requires 45 minutes, 60 minutes or 90 minutes and any additional questions will be asked

Step 5 – A date and time will be arranged to conduct the remote call either by Wats App or Face Time Audio or Zoom– Prepare any questions you wish to ask Mandy

Step 6 – After the session you will receive help sheets and further advisements in support of the remote session

Remote Dog Behaviour Meet Up Session

  • 45 minutes – £60.00
  • 60 minutes – £78.00
  • 90 minutes – £110.00

Follow on calls receive a 10% discount

T & C’S

  • Remote calls to be conducted via Zoom, Face Time or Wats App Audio.
  • Payment is due on booking, no refunds will be given unless seven days prior notice to cancel or change the allocated time of the call is given. Failure to answer the call on the agreed day and time will not be refunded
  • If additional behaviour concerns are added within the call which where not been supplied on the initial form, then dependent on the new issue a Dog Behaviour Evaluation 1-2-1 home session may be recommended in addition to the call or a further remote follow on call.